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Results for "adkins"

Name: Chas Edward Adkins

Birth: Feb 1893 Kentucky, USA

Death: 3 June 1943 Davenport, Scott, Iowa, USA

Father: John Thomas Adkins

Mother: Martha Ann Watson

Name: Edna Adkins

Birth: abt 1911 Livingston Co, IL

Death: 1967 PA

Father: Wilfred Cleveland Edwards

Mother: Minnie Ethel Hogan

Name: Sabra Rachel Adkins

Birth: 27 Apr 1929 Sandy Hook, Elliott, Kentucky

Death: 22 Feb 2010 Lebanon, Warren, Ohio, United States

Father: Ollie Henry Adkins

Mother: Fannie E Eldridge

Name: Fannie Kansas ADKINS

Birth: 25 Sep 1878 Kentucky

Death: 30 Nov 1954 Portsmouth, Scioto, Ohio, USA

Father: William Joseph Adkins

Mother: *Eliza Wagoner

Name: Catherine "Cathy" Adkins

Birth: 28 Jul 1918 Huntington, Wva

Death: 28 May 2003 Aurora, Dearborn, Indiana, United States

Father: Garland Adkins

Mother: Daisy Walker

Name: Ancil F Adkins

Birth: 30 Dec 1907 West Virginia

Death: 10 APR 1999 Huntington, Cabell Co., WV, USA

Father: Elijah Adkins

Mother: Susan Varnum

Name: Okel Elzie ADKINS

Birth: 30 Jun 1916 Hager, Lincoln, West Virginia

Death: Nov 26, 1980 Liverpool, Columbiana, Ohio

Father: James Walker Adkins

Mother: Martha Jane Adkins

Name: George Wesley Adkins

Birth: Apr 1848 West Virginia

Death: 16 Apr 1928 Lansing, Fayette, West Virginia, United States

Father: Anderson ADKINS

Mother: Ann E Kious (Adkins)

Name: Pricy Adkins

Birth: 26 Apr 1880 Pike, Kentucky, United States

Death: Jan 15, 1939 Letcher Co. Kentucky

Father: Lewis Franklin Adkins

Mother: Irene "Rena" May

Name: Glenda Faye Adkins

Birth: June 11,1949 Bondtown, Wise, Virginia, USA

Death: November 9,2004 Indianapolis, Marion, Indiana, USA

Father: Allen (Alda) Adkins

Mother: Peggy Glenna Harrison


Birth: 01/26/1926 Louisville, Jefferson, Kentucky, USA

Death: 24 JUL 1990 Barnes, McLean, Illinois, United States

Father: Milford O. Adkins


Name: Freeland B. Adkins

Birth: 31 May 1876 East Lynn, Wayne Co, WV

Death: 12 Jul 1936 Wayne, West Virginia

Father: T. Archibald ADKINS

Mother: Sarah Ann Adkins

Name: Charles Adkins

Birth: abt 1853 Emma, White, Illinois, USA

Death: 7 July 1915 Greene County, Indiana

Father: Isaac Adkins

Mother: Mary Margaret Dale

Name: Louhana Elizabeth Adkins

Birth: 10 April 1836 Tennessee

Death: November 18, 1910 Deerfield, Vernon, Missouri, USA

Father: Gabriel Adkins

Mother: Eleanor/Elender Meade

Name: Lloyd J Adkins

Birth: 8 MAY 1912 Wetumka, Hughes Co., OK

Death: FEB 1977 San Leandro, Alameda Co., CA



Name: Violet Marie Adkins

Birth: 12 May 1917 West Virginia

Death: 03 Jan 2014 Talcott, Summers Co, W.Va

Father: Tony Adkins

Mother: Cora Elizabeth Adkins

Name: Lonnie Alice Adkins

Birth: 30 Jun 1914 Grays Creek, Cumberland County, North Carolina, USA

Death: 29 Feb 1988 Hope Mills, Cumberland County, North Carolina, USA

Father: John Wilson Adkins

Mother: Ella Jane Brown

Name: Leroy Adkins

Birth: 18 Apr 1929 Wayne, West Virginia, USA

Death: 28 Dec 1994 Lima, Allen, Ohio, USA

Father: Edward Adkins

Mother: Eva Adkins

Name: Larkin Henry ADKINS

Birth: abt 1829 Haywood, Tennessee, United States

Death: 17 February 1899 Lamar County, Texas, USA

Father: Hiram L. Adkins

Mother: Cynthia Davis

Name: Hezekiah J Adkins

Birth: 5 November 1867 Wayne County, West Virginia, USA

Death: 8 Sep 1940 Salt Rock, McComas District, Cabell County, West Virginia, USA

Father: Evermont Jackson Adkins

Mother: Angeline Morrison

Name: Scudder John Adkins

Birth: 5 Sep 1894 Wayne County, West Virginia

Death: Jan 18, 1966 Wayne, West Virginia, USA

Father: HEARN Adkins

Mother: Mary Elizabeth Plybon Adkins

Name: Blanche Adkins

Birth: 18 December 1914 Sullivan County, Tennessee, USA

Death: 09 June 1985 Carter County, Tennessee, USA

Father: John Heap Adkins

Mother: Vicie Elvina Vanover

Name: John I Adkins

Birth: 12 SEP 1917 Port Orchard, Kitsap Co., Washington

Death: 26 AUG 1987 Olalla, Kitsap Co., Washington

Father: Forrest Jerome Adkins

Mother: Mildred Edna Johnson

Name: Alfred Leonard Adkins

Birth: 27 Apr 1840 Breckinridge County, Kentucky

Death: 27 Apr 1915 Breckinridge County, Kentucky

Father: Bartholomew Bartlett Adkins

Mother: Mary Permelia Wheeler

Name: Pfc Wilson Adkins

Birth: 20 JUL 1926 USA

Death: 29 JUL 1997 USA

Father: Enoch Adkins

Mother: Versie Ramsey

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