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Results for "andrews"

Name: Richard Blakeslee Andrews

Birth: 3 Feb 1906 Alabama

Death: 20 Apr 1978 Manatee, Florida, United States

Father: Henry Augustus Andrews

Mother: Katie Andrews

Name: Velma Andrews

Birth: 17 Jun 1903 Linn, Iowa USA

Death: 12 Oct 1992 Cedar, Iowa, United States

Father: Gay Lovell Andrews

Mother: Edith Eaton

Name: Malinda Andrews

Birth: 6 Mar 1820 Howard, Missouri, United States

Death: 26 Mar 1898 Macon County, Missouri

Father: Jonathan Andrews

Mother: Elizabeth Haggard

Name: Joseph J Andrews

Birth: Apr 1899 Massachusetts

Death: 1980 Salem MA

Father: Archer Andrews

Mother: Elizabeth H Merrey

Name: Susan J. Andrews

Birth: About 1835 Maryland, USA

Death: 10 FEB 1901 Henderson, Caroline, Maryland, USA

Father: William Thomas Andrews

Mother: Sarah Watts Andrews

Name: Frank Kenneth Andrews

Birth: 1872 Louisiana

Death: Feb 1932 Jefferson, Alabama, United States

Father: Frank Andrews

Mother: Martha Neely

Name: Ollie May Andrews

Birth: 3 APR 1889 Alton,Oregon,Missouri,USA

Death: 20 NOV 1923 Rover, Oregon, Missouri

Father: Pinkney Monroe Andrews

Mother: Viola Melinda Holmes


Birth: December 26, 1911 Niantic, Illinois, USA

Death: July 20, 1976 Quincy, Illinois, USA

Father: Otis Albert Andrews

Mother: Elsie May Phares

Name: Almeda Mae Andrews

Birth: Dec 1879 Indiana

Death: 6 Apr 1951 Rockford, Winnebago Co., Illinois, Willwood Cemetery

Father: Adam Anders

Mother: Sarah Ann Stultz | Stults

Name: Thomas Alden Andrews

Birth: 8 March 1814 Hamden, Delaware, New York,

Death: November 19, 1883 Gillett, Bradford, Pennsylvania, United States

Father: Thomas Andrews

Mother: Orilla Bywaters

Name: Jane Andrews

Birth: 1831 Worcestershire, England

Death: 1902 Worcester

Father: William Bodenham

Mother: Hannah Hancock

Name: Ralph Andrews

Birth: abt 1862 New York

Death: 19 Jul 1948 Bolivar, New York, USA

Father: Richard LaGrange Andrus

Mother: Harriet Amelia Thomas

Name: Evelyn Andrews

Birth: 23 Nov 1905 Monroe, Snohomish County, Washington, USA

Death: 22 Apr 1978 Marysville, Snohomish, Washington

Father: Benjamin Grant Andrews

Mother: Mathilda Marie Fabian

Name: Wilmer Glen Andrews

Birth: 13 Jul 1924 Ozark, Alabama, USA

Death: 11 Mar 1997 Dade City, Pasco, Florida, United States of America

Father: Fred Greene Andrews

Mother: Callie D. Brown

Name: Geneva Cook Andrews

Birth: 27 Sep 1906 Magisterial District 2, Crittenden, Kentucky

Death: 9 Dec 2001 Belleville, Wayne, Michigan, USA

Father: Francis Elvis Andrews

Mother: Leota Woodall

Name: Ralph Andrews

Birth: 23 Jan 1898 , Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada

Death: Dec 1965 Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts, USA

Father: Leonard Burpee Andrews

Mother: Marjorie Louisa Brayne

Name: Edgar Merritt Andrews

Birth: 7 Aug 1899 Connecticut

Death: 15 July 1984 Meriden, Connecticut

Father: Edgar M Andrews

Mother: Anna E Andrews

Name: Lawton Toy Andrews

Birth: 09 Oct 1899 Darlington, Darlington Co, South Carolina, USA

Death: 24 Nov 1947 Charlotte, Mecklenburg Co, North Carolina, USA

Father: William Colie Andrews

Mother: Elizabeth Johnson

Name: Lorin Andrews

Birth: 29 September 1865 Waynesfield, Auglaize, Ohio, USA

Death: 5 September 1905 New Hampshire, Auglaize, Ohio, USA

Father: Francis Simpson Andrews

Mother: Cynthia Ann Perry

Name: Ruth Andrews

Birth: abt 1893 Texas

Death: Jul 1987 Fort Worth, Tarrant, Texas, USA

Father: Jesse H. Andrews

Mother: Sarah Love Prince

Name: Bessie P. Andrews

Birth: 1895 Colorado

Death: 1957 Bell Gardens, Los Angeles, California, United States

Father: Clarence Irving Andrews

Mother: Mary Elizabeth Epley

Name: Beulah May Andrews

Birth: 30 Dec 1915 Indianapolis, Indiana

Death: 10 Feb 1991 Indianapolis, Marion, Indiana, USA

Father: John Andrews

Mother: Matilda Belle Ransom

Name: Carl Andrews

Birth: 12 Apr 1909 Starke, Bradford, Florida, USA

Death: 23 Mar 1993 Bartow, Polk, Florida

Father: William Andrews

Mother: Virginia Roberts Andrews Addison Cottman

Name: Catherine Andrews

Birth: 1863 Columbia County, PA

Death: March. 13, 1942 Rochester, Monroe, New York

Father: Mark Andrews

Mother: Sarah Ann Bartlow

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