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Results for "arnold"

Name: George Arnold

Birth: 13 Sep 1862 Kiugo Creek, Pennsylvania

Death: 23 Jul 1930 Pittsburgh, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: George C Arnold

Mother: Martha Jamison

Name: J. M. Arnold

Birth: 6 DEC 1872 Parker, Ashe, N. C.

Death: 22 Sep 1931 Shouns, Johnson, Tennessee, United States

Father: Thomas Ware Arnold

Mother: Matilda Peery

Name: Charles Winslow Arnold

Birth: 18 Oct 1854 Marlborough, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA

Death: 29 Dec 1895 Marlborough, Massachusetts, USA

Father: Hartwell Winslow Arnold

Mother: Fanny Ward Fisher

Name: Hazel A Arnold

Birth: 25 Jan 1897 East Union, Wayne, Ohio, USA

Death: 23 Jan 1964 Multnomah, Oregon, United States

Father: Harvey Elmer Arnold

Mother: Clara Hollenshead

Name: Dillard Elmore Arnold

Birth: 27 Oct 1881 Kentucky USA

Death: Oct 1918 Cannon City, Fremont, Colorado

Father: John M Arnold

Mother: Lillian ARNOLD

Name: Chester R Arnold

Birth: 12 Jun 1904 New York

Death: 30 Mar 1962 Los Angeles, California

Father: David Arnold

Mother: Cornelia Smith

Name: Floyd Arnold

Birth: 1928 Fayette, OH

Death: 1975 KY

Father: Floyd Eugene Arnold

Mother: Louanna 'Anna' Sword

Name: Wynona Arnold

Birth: 16 Nov 1889 Pike, Indiana

Death: 19 June 1951 Washington, Daviess County, Indiana, United States of America

Father: William Arnold

Mother: Hannah Hooper

Name: Minnie Lou Arnold

Birth: 29 Sep 1879 Montgomery, Texas, USA

Death: 10 Aug 1965 Hardin, Texas, USA

Father: Owen William Arnold

Mother: Lucretia Arnold / Dean


Birth: 12 Jan 1841 Heaton Norris, Cheshire/Lancashire, England

Death: Jun 1917 Barnsley, Yorkshire West Riding, England

Father: James Prince

Mother: Mary Arnold

Name: Priscilla Arnold

Birth: 13 AUG 1817 Muhlenberg County, Kentucky

Death: 30 OCT 1897 Pike County, Indiana

Father: John Louisa Arnold Pitt

Mother: Elizabeth Mathis

Name: Errold W Arnold

Birth: abt 1918 Maine

Death: 8 Jun 1998 Dexter, Penobscot, Maine

Father: Ralph Elwell Arnold

Mother: Hortense M Stanhope

Name: Eugene George Arnold

Birth: 2 July 1906 Wisconsin, US

Death: Mar 1969 Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA

Father: Mathews Arnold

Mother: Augusta Rausmin

Name: William Thomas Arnold

Birth: 22 April 1860 Elkhorn, Henry County, Tennessee

Death: 7 Feb 1953 Essex, Stoddard, Missouri

Father: Thomas Allen Arnold

Mother: Catherine Langford

Name: Morgan Eugene Arnold

Birth: 6 Apr 1894 York, York County, Pennsylvania

Death: Aug 1982 York, York, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: Henry Leibe Arnold

Mother: Catharine Wolf

Name: Arthur Allen Arnold

Birth: 27 Mar 1876 Texas, USA

Death: 21 Jul 1964 Huntsville, Walker, Texas

Father: Jonathan Hewitt Arnold

Mother: Tibitha Jane Rosamond

Name: Mattie Louise Arnold

Birth: 7 Oct 1887 Newnan, Coweta, Georgia, USA

Death: 9 Mar 1975 Atlanta, Georgia USA

Father: Samuel Steverson

Mother: Lorena Allen

Name: Robert M Arnold

Birth: 27 August 1924 Atlanta, Georgia

Death: 12 December 2001 Cumming, Forsyth, Georgia, USA

Father: William Charles Arnold

Mother: Frances Elizabeth Yancey

Name: Dora Arnold

Birth: abt 1862 Minnesota

Death: 18 Sep 1955 Los Angeles

Father: Francis Joseph Arnold

Mother: Hattie Koutz

Name: Teresa Arnold

Birth: 1860 New York

Death: 16 Aug, 1946 Bridgeport, Fairfield, Connecticut, USA

Father: Patrick Arnold

Mother: Teresa Stephens

Name: Jesse Arnold

Birth: Jun 1866 Ohio, USA

Death: 1 Apr 1939 Londonderry, Guernsey, Ohio, USA

Father: Henry James Arnold

Mother: Teleni JOHNSTON

Name: Ruby Mae Arnold

Birth: 19 Aug 1919 Nebraska

Death: 10 Nov 2000 Ogallala, Keith, Nebraska, USA

Father: John Clarence Arnold

Mother: Phebe Young

Name: Leona Mae Arnold

Birth: 22 Apr 1876 Buchannan County , USA

Death: 1961 , Wyandotte, Kansas, USA

Father: Jerome P Arnold

Mother: Rachel Adeline WEEDEN

Name: Linnie Arnold

Birth: 30 Jul 1919 Texas USA

Death: 23 Feb 2006 Texas, USA

Father: Charles Porter Arnold

Mother: Annie May Deavers

Name: Thomas Arnold

Birth: 26 Nov 1864 Harnett, North Carolina, USA

Death: 15 Aug 1929 Raleigh, Wake, North Carolina

Father: Thomas Harvill Arnold

Mother: Elizabeth "Betsy" Newell

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