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Results for "allison"

Name: Elsie Elizabeth Allison

Birth: 17 MAY 1911 Prince William County, Virginia

Death: 28 Jun 1986 Fairfax, Fairfax City, Virginia, United States

Father: William Walter Allison

Mother: Nancy Robinson (Allison)

Name: Naomi Alma Allison

Birth: 26 Nov 1854 Washington, Washington, Pennsylvania

Death: Apr 30, 1937 Iowa City, Johnson, Iowa, USA

Father: Mathew Ebenezer Allison

Mother: Diana Miller

Name: Austin McKay ALLISON

Birth: 6 Mar 1891 Wellsville, Columbiana, Ohio, USA

Death: 1 Feb 1926 East Palestine, Columbiana County, Ohio, USA

Father: George Edward Allison

Mother: Sarah McConahy

Name: Mary Ann Allison

Birth: 11 September 1857 Vermilion County, Illinois, United States of America

Death: 3 Nov. 1921 Vermilion County, Illinois, USA

Father: William Harvey Carter

Mother: Sarah J Wiley-Carter-Cox

Name: Mathew Albert Allison

Birth: 4 July 1877 Virginia, USA

Death: 27 Jan 1936 Lookout, Fayette, West Virginia

Father: Dave Allison

Mother: Mary S. Allen

Name: Ralph Allison

Birth: MAR 1890 IN

Death: 1960 Auburn, De Kalb, Indiana, USA

Father: Frantz S. Allison

Mother: Laura Bell Allison

Name: William Allison

Birth: 03 Sep 1869 Jackson, Michigan

Death: 20 April 1951 Deerfield, Mecosta, Michigan

Father: William J. Allison

Mother: Elsie A Lindsley

Name: William R Allison

Birth: 15 Aug 1877 Knoxville, Marion County, Iowa, USA

Death: Aug 1963 Ashland, Jackson, Oregon, USA

Father: George Renick Allison

Mother: Mary Anne Carrothers

Name: Clorice Allison

Birth: ABT 1909 Iowa, USA

Death: 9 June1972 Rapid City, Pennington, South Dakota, United States of America

Father: Thomas James Allison

Mother: Ethel Adella Halliday

Name: Jospeh Carter Allison

Birth: 5 Nov 1898 White county Tennessee

Death: 03 FEB 1984 Hollis, Harmon Co., OK

Father: Joseph Hickman Allison

Mother: Ida Jane Geer

Name: John Allison

Birth: abt 1866 Brumby, Lincoln, England

Death: Jun 1959 Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, England

Father: William Allison

Mother: Harriet Kirman

Name: Eva Ellen Allison

Birth: abt 1910 Cartersville, Bartow County, Georgia

Death: 10 Mar 1991 Harris, Texas

Father: John Henry Allison

Mother: Elizabeth Day

Name: Marguerite Emily Allison

Birth: 10 Feb 1845 Austell, Georgia

Death: 7 Jan 1933 Port Aransas, Aransas, Texas, USA

Father: Thomas Allison

Mother: Charity R Nix

Name: Irwin B Allison

Birth: 18 jun 1868 North Carolina, USA

Death: 7 Mar 1929 Buncombe, North Carolina, USA

Father: John Henry Allison

Mother: Rebecca Emeline Glendown

Name: Kittie E Allison

Birth: abt 1920 North Carolina

Death: 27 Nov 1999 Arden, Buncombe, North Carolina, United States of America

Father: Millard Marvin Allison

Mother: Bonnie Mae Allison

Name: William Allison

Birth: 05/07/1808 Cumberland, England

Death: 19 Feb 1896 Verulam, Victoria, Ontario, Canada

Father: William Allison

Mother: Mary Waite

Name: Florida Allison

Birth: 9 Sep 1908 Transylvania, North Carolina

Death: 1 Sep 2004 Penrose, Transylvania, North Carolina, United States

Father: Madison Allison

Mother: Florida Lenora Shipman

Name: Elizabeth Allison

Birth: 1791 Bulwell, Nottingham

Death: July 1871 Caistor, Lincolnshire, England

Father: William Allison

Mother: Jane Sugden

Name: Fredrick A Allison

Birth: abt 1890 MI, USA

Death: 4 Oct 1964 Billings, Yellowstone, Montana, USA

Father: ANDREW Allison

Mother: CELINA (Celeneia) Gagnon

Name: William George Allison

Birth: 1843 Fauquier Co., VA.

Death: 1891 Fauquier County, Virginia

Father: Martin W. Allison

Mother: Elizabeth Rowley

Name: Francis Allison

Birth: 13 March 1871 Paradise, Coles, Illinois, USA

Death: 28 Apr 1925 Assumption, Christian County, Illinois

Father: Charles Wesley Allison

Mother: Susan J. Jones

Name: Archibald Allison

Birth: 15 Jan 1875 Auchinleck, Ayrshire

Death: 1943 Glenbuck, Ayrshire, Scotland

Father: Samuel ALLISON

Mother: Margaret Dickson

Name: Eleanor Irene Allison

Birth: March 13, 1921 Pennsylvania

Death: 09 Mar 1998 Tarrs, Westmoreland, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: Harrison Elmer Allison

Mother: Balbina Teresa Rush

Name: Bertha D. Allison

Birth: 1 Dec 1919 Old Fort, McDowell, North Carolina, USA

Death: 1 September 2012 Buncombe County, North Carolina, USA

Father: Henry Oscar Allison

Mother: Nannie Bartlett

Name: Margaret Janet Allison

Birth: 18 Oct 1919 Tacoma, Pierce, Washington, USA

Death: 27 Oct 1990 Gig Harbor, Pierce, Washington, USA

Father: Ernest Whitney Allison

Mother: Jennie C Cooper

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