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Results for "alexander"


Birth: 25 Jan 1781 Burgh or Low Church, Paisley, Renfrew

Death: 26 August 1851 Pinhook, Lawrence County, Alabama, United States of America

Father: James Alexander

Mother: Elizabeth Parker

Name: William R Alexander

Birth: abt 1807 Tennessee, United States

Death: 1905 Texas

Father: James Alexander

Mother: Rhoda CUNNINGHAM

Name: Donna M Alexander

Birth: Nov 1899 Macon County, Tennessee, USA

Death: 2000 lafayette tennessee

Father: Zachieus Cookman Alexander

Mother: Maggie Ellen Thomas

Name: Roland Alexander

Birth: 24 April 1895 Pennsylvania, United States of America

Death: 24 Jan 1980 Macomb, Michigan, USA

Father: James Nolan Alexander

Mother: Mary Antoinette Krise

Name: Jimmy Norris Alexander

Birth: 07/14/1947 swifton, jackson county, arkansas

Death: 15 May 2007 , , Arkansas, USA

Father: C. D. Crawley

Mother: Anna Mae Callahan

Name: John NMI Alexander

Birth: 20 Mar 1918 Virginia

Death: May 1986 Warrenton, Fauquier, Virginia, USA

Father: John Alexander

Mother: Cora May Lutz

Name: George W Alexander

Birth: 26 Sep 1881 Pike Co. Mississippi

Death: 28 Oct 1920 Enon, Walthall, Mississippi, USA

Father: William Pinkney Alexander

Mother: Rose Ann Beard

Name: Loma Harris Alexander

Birth: 14 December 1885 Mecklenburg County,North Carolina

Death: 29 Jun 1969 Mecklenburg, North Carolina, USA

Father: Marcus A Alexander

Mother: Ida Louola Alexander

Name: Douglas Eugene Alexander

Birth: 16 Feb 1951 Springfield, Missouri

Death: 12 January 2005 Martin, Weakley County, Tennessee, United States of America

Father: Clovis Dale Alexander

Mother: Helen Louise Shelley

Name: Irvine Addison Alexander

Birth: November 13, 1885 Trenton, Hastings County, Ontario, Canada

Death: 15 May 1968 Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, USA

Father: Archibald Edwin Alexander

Mother: Catherine Calista Forbes

Name: William D Alexander

Birth: 21 Dec 1868 Hampton, Henry, Georgia, USA

Death: 7 Dec 1919 Atlanta, Fulton, Georgia, USA

Father: Jonathan Davis Alexander

Mother: Sarah Henderson **

Name: Lucy Alexander

Birth: 22 Feb 1858 Holly Grove, Kanawha, West Virginia, United States

Death: 16 AUG 1932 Holly Grove, Kanawha Co., West Virginia

Father: John Hudnall

Mother: Elizabeth A Poff

Name: Lawrence Clifton Alexander

Birth: 24 Aug 1896 Alabama

Death: 5 June 1968 Alabama

Father: David Cauthren Alexander

Mother: Julia Demasters

Name: Mary B"Polly" Alexander

Birth: 20 Sep 1832 Alexander Hill, Broome, New York, United States

Death: 19 Aug 1883 Hollisterville, Wayne, Pennsylvania, United States

Father: Zina White Alexander

Mother: Mary B. Wheeler

Name: Mervin Leeth ALEXANDER

Birth: 18 March 1905 Rush, Indiana, USA

Death: June 3, 1969 Rushville, Rush, IN

Father: George Clarence Alexander

Mother: Auda Wilson

Name: Harry Alexander

Birth: 26 May 1879 Bicknell, Knox, Indiana, USA

Death: 1953 Princeton, Gibson, Indiana, USA

Father: John Hamilton Alexander

Mother: Sarah Fox Harmon

Name: Amy Malissa Alexander

Birth: 30 Mar 1824 Tennessee, United States of America

Death: 9 Jun 1907 Benton, Missouri, United States

Father: George Alexander

Mother: Nancy Morton

Name: Raymond Lee Alexander

Birth: 1912 Texas

Death: 18 December 1960 Portland, Ionia County, Michigan, USA

Father: William Alexander

Mother: Bessie Lee

Name: Eva Alexander

Birth: abt 1910 Illinois

Death: 25 Dec 1991 East Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan

Father: Henry Alexander

Mother: Sadie Toole

Name: Ella Alexander

Birth: abt 1897 Oklahoma

Death: 05 may 1966 aurora colo

Father: Albert M McConaughy

Mother: Laura Jane Barr

Name: William Linton Alexander

Birth: 20 Mar 1861 Trion, Chattooga, Georgia, USA

Death: 31 Oct 1933 Montezuma, Macon, Georgia, USA

Father: Andrew John Alexander

Mother: Mary F Greer

Name: Tabitha Alexander

Birth: 1859 Texas

Death: 23 Feb 1943 Stevens, Washington, USA

Father: Fidelia Alexander

Mother: Violet E Palmer

Name: Harold M ALEXANDER

Birth: 18 Jun 1911 Bayonne, Hudson, New Jersey

Death: 21 Oct 1994 Long-Term Care Facilities

Father: Edwin Hixon Alexander

Mother: Clara W Evans

Name: Frank H Alexander

Birth: abt 1893 Texas

Death: Jan. 5, 1970 Marble Falls, Burnet County, Texas

Father: Stephen Alexander

Mother: Amanda Catherine Berry

Name: William Alexander

Birth: 15 Mar 1854 Muddy, Coles, Illinois, United States

Death: 1941 Silver City, Grant, New Mexico, USA

Father: Jacob Isaac Alexander

Mother: Phebe Bertha Brown

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