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Results for "jones"

Name: Joseph Russell JONES

Birth: 5 Jan 1919 Williamsburg, Iowa, Iowa, United States

Death: 22 Mar 2004 Ventura, Ventura Co., California, USA

Father: Osborne Edward Jones

Mother: Honora Gertrude Dunn

Name: Thomas Watson Jones

Birth: 10 February 1894 Wayne County, Georgia, USA

Death: 5 May 1958 Broward, Florida, United States,

Father: James Burrell Jones

Mother: Nettie C Booth

Name: Henry R Jones

Birth: 18 April 1884 Bulloch County, Georgia

Death: Jan 1959 Polk, Florida, United States

Father: Adam Jones

Mother: Manervia C Harden

Name: Elizabeth F Jones

Birth: Jan 1844 Burke County, Georgia, USA

Death: 7 Dec 1924 Walker, Alabama

Father: Steve Jones

Mother: Martha Ann Preston

Name: John Franklin Jones

Birth: 02 March 1886 Gaston County, Gastonia North Carolina

Death: 29 April 1946 Gastonia, Gaston, North Carolina

Father: Alexander Washington Varner-Jones

Mother: Mary Nora Stroupe

Name: Roscoe C. Jones

Birth: 7 May 1889 Greenville, Illinois

Death: 25 Jan 1964 Monterey County, California, USA

Father: George A Jones

Mother: Ida M Haines

Name: Emily Frances Jones

Birth: 1866 Putney, Surrey, England

Death: Dec 1960 Chichester, Sussex, England

Father: Beaumont Hill Jones

Mother: Frances E. Jones


Birth: 30 DEC 1867 Liverpool, Lancashire, England

Death: Jun 1938 Liverpool North, Lancashire, England

Father: David Jones


Name: Dorothy Geraldine Jones

Birth: 13 DEC 1915 Plymouth ndiana

Death: January, 1996 Plymouth Indiana

Father: Harold Amos MEAD

Mother: Ruth Viola Anders

Name: Edward Merrick Jones

Birth: 15 Apr 1906 Mills, Harrison, Potter County, Pennsylvania, USA

Death: 20 September 1994 Wellsville, Allegany County, New York, United States of America

Father: Vernie Delos Jones

Mother: Harriet English

Name: Georgia Jones

Birth: 17 Aug 1890 West Virginia

Death: Jan 1978 Columbus, Franklin, Ohio, USA

Father: William Sherman Jones

Mother: Ellen Francis Layne

Name: George Aken Jones

Birth: abt 1878 New York

Death: 16 Aug 1946 Balboa, Panama Canal Zone

Father: George Jones

Mother: Isabelle S. Burns

Name: Nancy "Nannie" Jones

Birth: 21 Nov 1852 Mississippi, USA

Death: 13 May 1945 Mangum, Greer, Oklahoma, USA

Father: James S Jones

Mother: Susannah A. Wright

Name: Alonzo Edgar Jones

Birth: 26 Dec 1863 Gum Neck, N. C.

Death: 15 Jun 1936 Eliizabeth City, NC

Father: Robert Jones

Mother: Ollie Richardson

Name: Raymond Jones

Birth: 31 Dec 1900 Nephi, Juab, Utah, United States

Death: 4 August 1944 Jerome County Idaho USA

Father: Edward (Jackson) Jones

Mother: Sarah Jane Tolley

Name: Arthur E JONES

Birth: 23 Jun 1864 Melrose, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States

Death: 29 Nov 1931 Massachusetts, United States

Father: William Edwin Jones

Mother: Charlotte A Pinkham

Name: Frances Hazel Jones

Birth: abt 1912 Tennessee

Death: 7 May 1992 Lake Co., Florida, USA

Father: Charles E Jones

Mother: Lelia M Bowman

Name: Arthur Howard Jones

Birth: 20 June 1861 Carshalton on the Hill, Surrey, England

Death: 18 Feb 1932 Pawtucket, R.I. USA

Father: Thomas Jones

Mother: Eliza Graves

Name: Olwen Jones

Birth: 30 Oct 1891 Pennsylvania

Death: 02 Jun 1952 Long Island

Father: David P Jones

Mother: Martha Phillips Reese

Name: George Washington Jones

Birth: March 21 1900 Mississippi

Death: May 1963 Detroit, Wayne, Michigan

Father: Wilson Jones

Mother: Vira Fine

Name: David Allan Jones

Birth: 11 Dec 1843 Trigg County, Kentucky, USA

Death: 1897 Butler Co. MO.

Father: Solomon Jones

Mother: Clarissa Futrell Jones

Name: Randolph Jones

Birth: 18 Jul 1923 Beeville, Bee, Texas, USA

Death: 16 Oct 1964 Texas, USA

Father: Henry Newton Mahan Jones

Mother: Racheal Sampson

Name: Elvira Frances Jones

Birth: 21 Feb 1889 West Virginia, USA

Death: 11 Dec 1966 Kanawha, West Virginia, United States

Father: Memeziah Jones

Mother: Louisa Jones

Name: General Jackson Jones

Birth: 15 Dec 1876 Texas

Death: 10 Dec 1948 Taylor, Texas

Father: Andrew Jones

Mother: Salina Lackey

Name: Susan Katherine JONES

Birth: 18 February 1879 Meade County, Kentucky, USA

Death: 24 Jun 1964 Daviess, Kentucky

Father: Dudley Jones

Mother: Margaret CHAMBERS

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