Meaning of the first name


Of the Sea/Bitter/Beloved


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The name Mary traces its origins back to the Hebrew language, specifically from the Hebrew name Miryam. In Hebrew, Miryam is believed to have several meanings, including Of the Sea, Bitter, and Beloved. Its biblical roots can be attributed to Mary, the mother of Jesus, who plays a significant role in Christianity. The name Mary has a rich history and appears across various cultures and time periods. In history, the name Mary has been widespread and well-regarded. Its popularity can be attributed to its biblical significance and the reverence bestowed upon Mary, the mother of Jesus. Throughout medieval Europe, Mary was a favored name amongst royalty and commoners alike. The influence of the name Mary has been particularly marked in Christianity, where many female followers were named after the revered biblical figure. Moreover, numerous cathedrals, churches, and other religious structures have been dedicated to Mary, contributing to the longstanding significance of the name. In modern times, the name Mary remains prevalent, albeit with some variations. While the name may not be as popular as it once was, it continues to be cherished and is found across different cultures and nationalities. Many individuals still choose to name their children Mary as a way to honor tradition, family connections, or religious beliefs. Additionally, variations of the name, such as Maria, Miriam, and Marie, are also commonly used. The timeless appeal of the name Mary, along with its profound historical and cultural associations, ensures its enduring presence in both history and contemporary usage.

Based on our records...
These are the most common surnames, spouse names, and child names associated with Mary.

is the most common surname for Mary.


is the most common spouse name for Mary.


is the most common child name for Mary.

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The countries with the highest number of births of individuals named Mary according to Ancestry records
Top countries
United Kingdom
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