- 1904 Stockyards Strike
- 1911 Garbage Strike
- 1919 Steel Strike
- 1929 Street Car Strike
- 1934 Minneapolis Strike
- 1934 West Coast Waterfront Strike
- Battle of Blair Mountain
- Bayonne Strikes
- Bisbee Deportation
- Brooklyn Trolley Strike
- Civilian Conservation Corps
- Columbus Car Strike
- Copper Country Strike
- Cripple Creek Strike
- Crystal City Labor
- Doctors Riot 1788
- Flint Sit Down Strike
- General Motors Strike 1936
- Hartford Newsies
- Homestead Strike
- Kern County Cotton Strike
- Lawrence Textile Strike
- Loray Mill Strike
Historical Insights
Labor & Strikes
Historic movements like the March of the Mill Children and the Wisconsin Milk Strike reflect times when people fought for better wages or safer conditions.
Additional Historical Insights
- March of the Mill Children
- New York Elevator Strike
- Pacific Northwest Timber Strike
- Paint Creek Strike
- Pecan Shellers Strike
- Philadelphia Strike
- Phillips Packinghouse Strike
- Pressed Steel Car Strike of 1909
- Railroad Strike 1877
- Sharecroppers Mississippi County Arkansas
- Sharecropping Butler County
- Sharecropping Greene County
- Sharecropping Hale County
- Sharecropping Macon County
- Sharecropping Mcintosh County
- Sharecropping Montgomery County
- Sharecropping Muskogee County
- Sharecropping Wagoner County
- Sharecropping Walker County
- Shirtwaist Strike of 1909
- United Carpenters Brotherhood
- Wisconsin Milk Strike