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Record information. Name Nicholas Arnald[Nicholas Arnold]Birth Record information. Name Reinhold Arnold[Reinhold Arnhold]Birth Record information. Name Eugene Octave Arnould[Eugene Octave Arnold]Record information. Name George Arnold[George Arnholt]Birth Record information. Name Mar Magd O Arnold[Magdalena Arnoldt]Birth Departure Arrival xx xxx xxxx New York, New York, USARecord information. Name William Arnold[William Arnoldt]Birth xxx xxxx GermanyCivil Record information. Name Marcel Victor Arnould[Marcel Victor Arnold]Birth xxx xxxx xxxxxxxxx BelgiumResidence WashingtonRecord information. Name Wilhelmine Arnold[Wilhelmine, Wilhelmine Arnould, Speitel][Wilhelmine Arnould]Birth xx xxx xxxx GermanyArrival xx xxx xxxx New York, New YorkRecord information. Name Alexander Arnold[Alexander Arnhold]Birth Marriage Departure Arrival xx xxx xxxx Boston, MassachusettsRecord information. Name Robert Elias Arnolds[Robert Elias Arnold]Birth Arrival xxx xxxx Detroit, Michigan, USAResidence Record information. Name Eugene Octave Arnould[Eugene Octave Arnold]Birth xxx xxxx xxxxxxxxx BelgiumDeparture Residence WashingtonRecord information. Name Conrad Ownolds[Conrad Arnolds][Conrad Arnold]Birth Departure Arrival xx xxx xxxx New York, New York, USARecord information. Name Hertha Arnoldt[Hertha Arnold]Relative Birth Departure Arrival xx xxx xxxx New York, New York, USAResidence Record information. Name Karl Arnold[Carl Arnhold]Birth Marriage Departure Arrival xx xxx xxxx Boston, MassachusettsRecord information. Name Ruth Arnold[Irene Arnhold]Birth Departure Arrival x xxx xxxx New YorkRecord information. Name Alexander Arnold[Alexander Arnhold]Birth Marriage Departure Arrival xx xxx xxxx Boston, MassachusettsRecord information. Name Jacob Arnold[Jakob Arnoldt]Birth Departure Arrival x xxx xxxx Galveston, TexasRecord information. Name Jacob Arnold[Jakob Arnoldt]Birth Departure Arrival x xxx xxxx Galveston, TexasRecord information. Name Ruth Arnold[Irene Arnhold]Birth Departure Arrival x xxx xxxx New YorkRecord information. Name Suzette Cecila Arnhold[Suzette Cecila Arnold]Relative Birth Departure Arrival xxx xxxx Seattle, Washington
- [Eugene Octave Arnold]
- U.S., Passport Applications, 1795-1925Border Crossings & Passports
- New Zealand, Naturalisations, 1843-1981Citizenship Records
- U.S., Naturalization Records, 1840-1957Citizenship Records
- [Wilhelmine, Wilhelmine Arnould, Speitel][Wilhelmine Arnould]BirthGermanyArrivalNew York, New YorkU.S., Index to Alien Case Files,1944-2003Citizenship Records
- Illinois, U.S., Federal Naturalization Records, 1856-1991Citizenship Records
- U.S., Border Crossings from Canada to U.S., 1895-1960Border Crossings & Passports
- U.S., Naturalization Records, 1840-1957Citizenship Records
- Illinois, U.S., Federal Naturalization Records, 1856-1991Citizenship Records
- Illinois, U.S., Federal Naturalization Records, 1856-1991Citizenship Records
- Illinois, U.S., Federal Naturalization Records, 1856-1991Citizenship Records
- Colorado, U.S., State and Federal Naturalization Records, 1868-1990Citizenship Records
- Colorado, U.S., State and Federal Naturalization Records, 1868-1990Citizenship Records
- Illinois, U.S., Federal Naturalization Records, 1856-1991Citizenship Records