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B F Johnson

Birth16 Jun 1817 - Shelby, Shelby, Alabama, United States
Death2 January 1883 - Scott Co., AR
MotherFrances (Fanny) Massey
FatherCol. Johnson

Born in Shelby, Shelby, Alabama, United States on 16 Jun 1817 to Col. Johnson and Frances (Fanny) Massey. B F Johnson married Nancy Amanda Shackelford and had 20 children. He passed away on 2 January 1883 in Scott Co., AR.

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We collect and match historical records that Ancestry users have contributed to their family trees to create each person’s profile. We encourage you to research and examine these records to determine their accuracy.

Col. Johnson
1780 - 1867
Frances (Fanny) Massey
1783 - 1835
Nancy Amanda Shackelford
1828 - 1880
Susannah D. Pledger
1817 - 1849
Sarah Elizabeth
1820 - 1895
Mary Louise Queener
1803 - 1876
Frances Phelan
1815 - Unknown
Children Show all
Seburn Pascal Johnson
1868 - 1915
Shelby J Johnson
1853 - 1930
Joseph W Johnson
1860 - 1936
Susan Berry Johnson
1850 - 1929
Martha Caroline Johnson
1851 - 1882
Jephta Brushie Johnson
1855 - 1920
William Lane Johnson
1845 - 1885
Robert Merlin Johnson
1837 - 1886
Frank F Johnson
1856 - 1934
Jacob Johnson
1841 - 1890

Isaac Johnson
1840 - 1882
Thomas Franklin Johnson
1859 - 1925
Sarah P Hall
Unknown - Unknown
Shelby J Johnson
1862 - 1933
Laura Johnson
1855 - Unknown
Mary Catherine Johnson
1851 - Unknown
Benjamin Franklin Johnson
1835 - 1929
Louisa Johnson
1837 - 1932
Oliver Perry Johnson
1826 - 1908
Louisa Johnson
1836 - 1922

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This database contains family trees submitted to Ancestry by users who have indicated that their tree can only be viewed by Ancestry members to whom they have granted permission to see their tree.These trees can change over time as users edit, remove, or otherwise modify the data in their trees. If you would like to view one of these trees in its entirety, you can contact the owner of the tree to request permission to see the tree.

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Historical Records for B F Johnson

Take a look to see if these records match your family member.

1880 United States Federal Census

1880 United States Federal Census

Benjamin F. Johnson
Est. Birth Date
Abt 1817
Est. Residence Age
Est. Residence Date
Not Available
Birth Place

1870 United States Federal Census

1870 United States Federal Census

B F Johnson
Est. Birth Date
Est. Residence Age
Est. Residence Date
Not Available
Birth Place

1850 United States Federal Census

1850 United States Federal Census

Benjamin F Johnson
Est. Birth Date
Not Available
Est. Residence Age
Est. Residence Date
Not Available
Birth Place